Noby Arden

Noby Arden

Gender :
5 ft. 4 in.
120 pounds
Hair Color:
Hair Length:
Shoe Size:
Not set
Coat/Dress Size:
5/6 (Med.)
Caucasian / White
PDF Resume:
PDF Head Shot:
Print Profile:
Film Credits Role Reference
National Treasure 2 Stunts Disney Pictures / George Marshall Ruge
Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, 3 Stunts Disney Pictures / George Marshall Ruge
Grave Misconduct Stunts RHI Ent. / Jayson Dumenigo
American Gun Stunts AG Film / Chris Doyle
S.W.A.T. Stunts Columbia Pictures / Mickey Giacomazzi
Star Trek Nemesis Stunts Paramount Pictures / Doug Coleman
Rush Hour 2 Stunts Avery Pix / Eddie Braun
A.I. Stunts Dream Works / Doug Coleman
Saving SIlverman Stunts Columbia Pictures / J.J. Makaro
15 Minutes Stunts newline / Charlie Picrerni
Beyond the City Limits Stunts Newman / Tooley Films / Billy Bates
Geppetto Stunts Walt Disney Prod. / Ernie Orsatti
Brave New World Stunts USA Networks / Perry Barndt
Wolverton Mountain Stunts Mike Wilson
Devil To Pay Stunts Jeff Dashnaw
Recoil Stunts PM Ent / Dane Farewell
Scream Stunts Dimension Films / Tony Cecere
Color of Night Stunts Hllywood Pictures / Chuck Bail
Crime and Punishment Stunts Al Jones
Batman Forever Stunts Warner Bros. / Conrad Palmisano
What Dreams May Come Stunts interscope / Charlie Croughwell
Batman and Robin Stunts Warner Bros. Ronnie Rondell
Titanic Stunts 20th Century Fox / Simon Crane
Posin Ivy 3 Stunts Newline Prod. /Vince Mazzella
The Craft Stunts Columbia Pictures / Glory Fioramonte
Free Willy 2 Stunts Warner Bros./ Conrad Palmisano
The Learning Curve Stunts O.C.E. Presentations / Marian Green
The Spittin' image Stunts Make Believe Films
Television Role Reference
HEROES Stunts NBC / Tim Gilbert
Deal or No Deal Stunts Lock & Key Prod. / Norb Phillips
Desire Stunts Kirkwood Prod. / Ben Scott
Lovespring Stunts Lifetime / Buddy Sosthand
America's Top Model Stunts Mike Li
Scream Play Stunts E! Entertainment / Mike Li
Fear Factor (Seasons 4,5,6,7) Stunts Lock & Key Prod / Norbert Phillips
She Spies Stunts Jim Vickers
Race to the Altar Stunts LMNO Prods / Mike Li
DOG Eat DOG Stunts NBC Ent. / Nick Brett
Truth or Consequences Stunts Fox Ent. / Mike Li
Touched by an Angel Stunts CBS Ent. / Bob Yerkes
Black Scorpion Stunts Peewee Piedmonte
Houdini Believe Stunts Trilogn Ent. Group / Tom Deweir
Promised Land (Multiple) Stunts Americana Ent. / Mark Donaldson
Sunset Beach (Multiple Episodes) Stunts Aaron Spelling Prod. / Perry Parndt
Passions (6 Seasons) Stunts NBC Ent. / Harry Wowchuck
Chicago Hope Stunts 20th Centruy Fox / Bob Yerkes
Days of Our Lives Stunts Columbia Pics. / Mike Adams
ER Stunts Amblin Ent. / Gary Baxley
L.A. Firefighters Stunts Greg Barnett
Married with Children Stunts Columbia Pics / Frank Lloyd
Jay Leno Show Stunts NBC Prod. / Hubie Kearns
Baywatch Nights Stunts Tower 12 / Steve Hart
Renegade Stunts Stunts Russell Soldbert
Home Improvement Stunts Buena Vista TV / Dane Farwell
Pacific Blue Stunts North Hall Prod. / Gary Baxley
Sliders (Multiple) Bullwhip Trainer Universal Ent. / Gary Baxley
Buffy Vampire Slayer (Multiple Episodes) Stunts 20th Century Fox / Jeff Pruit / Jeff Smolek
Northern Exposure Stunts Universal TV / Bob Yerkes
Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman Stunts CBS TV / Jeff Ramsey
Crusaders Stunts Kerry Rossal
Coach Stunts Universal TV / Al Jones
Battle of the Network Stunt Coordinator Visual Frontier, Inc.
Reality Stars Stunts
Nightmare on Elm Street Stunt Coordinator CBS
Real Nightmares Stunts
Hangtime Stunt Coordinator NBC Productions
All That Stunt Coordinator Nickelodeon
The Nanny Stunt Coordinator Montrose Productions
Dave's World Stunt Coordinator CBS Entertainment Productions
Commercial Role Reference
Sea' Doo Almond Joy Tropicana
Nintendo NFL Blitz Ameritech "Locked Out"
Ameritech "Overpass" Cannon Copiers PEPSI
American Express Honda Weight Watchers
Levi's Jeans Levi's Shorts Wrangler Jeans
Doritos Edison Power Bubble Barbie
Pocari Sweat So Flex Provider O
Stage Role Reference
Ricki Martin Tour '99 Aerial Coordinator Concert Tour
Cher 2000 Tour Aerial Coordinator Concert Tour
Tinkerbell 50th "Remember" Stunt Coordinator Disneyland, CA
E2K - Wine Convention Stunts Las Vegas
"Carnivale" Stunts Radio City Music Hall
"AMERYTHEM" Stunts Summit of the Americas
The Little Mermaid Show Coordinator / Trainer Disney International
Mystic Rhythms Stunts Tokyo Disney Sea
Hunch Back of Notre Dame Stunts Screen Opening
Nike Shoes Convention Stunts Phoenix, AZ
Star Wars Episode 1 Stunts The Opening
Democratic National Convention 2000 Stunts DNC
HONDA Convention Stunts San Francisco, CA
AT&T Convention Stunts Kona, HI
Cannon Copiers Stunts Las Vegas, NV
Music Videos Role Reference
Madonna Stunt Coordinator Branam Entertainment
Tom Petty Stunt Coordinator O Pictures
Flying Trapeze, Wallenda Circus Performer
4th Generation Wallenda Circus Performer
Peoples Choice Award Flying Trapeze, Monte Carlo Circus Festival
The Feature Attraction In Every Major American & International Circus
Bronze Clown Winner Flying Trapeze, Monte Carlo Circus Festival
MTV Movie Awards 1997 Best Fight Scene - The Craft
Employment Details
Work History: Stunt Double
Job Categories: Stunt Performer
Prior Job Title(s): Stunts / Utility Stunts
Are you willing to work Globally?: Yes
Authorized to work in United States?: Yes
What state are you considered a Local Hire?: California
What state are you considered a Local Hire?:
Do you have a valid passport?: Yes